For millennia, Chinese dynasties would grant themselves the Mandate of Heaven upon taking power, rep...
Domenic DiPietro
During the Hybrid Learning Dark Age of Brooklyn Technical High School, I, like many other unsuspecti...
Phoenix Thorwall ∙ November 2021
In the modern world, Music™ is a basic necessity. Life without Music is practically unimaginable. Bu...
Ivy, 1 more ∙ February 2020
Breathing is a natural process that we all take for granted, but did you know that breathing is the ...
Samantha Colon
#From the field
Many people know a bit about the history of the Roman Empire, but have you heard of that other empir...
Diego Curinga ∙ March 2021
Ah, the PEZ dispenser. The classic toy, the classic candy. A classic combination all true Americans ...
Bora Bromberg ∙ December 2021
When you think of Garfield, what comes to mind? The beloved orange tabby? Just a lasagna-loving cat,...
Naiar Islam ∙ February 2020
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