The first and last Radish issue printed before humans went into their years-long hibernation, the February 2020 issue is a reminder of what could have been. And also Shvinkelputin.
When you think of Garfield, what comes to mind? The beloved orange tabby? Just a lasagna-loving cat,...
Naiar Islam ∙ February 2020
Brooklyn Tech's SGO sticker, once an item used only for club credits and discounts at school events,...
Zachary Thompson ∙ February 2020
#Timeless news
When most people think of a magical being, they think of a great and towering dragon in the sky rain...
Averie Michaelson ∙ February 2020
#Guest interview
At long last! The most insurmountable issue facing Tech will finally be overcome! We at the Radish h...
Renee Ricevuto ∙ February 2020
Editorial author Chipotle Ranch recently got a bit of heat for his article, "No, I won't share my ca...
Charlotte Rotlander ∙ February 2020
"Stop slowly killing the planet-before it kills us." At least, that's what people are repeatedly say...
Aramie Ewen ∙ February 2020
One of the many courses offered here at BTHS is orchestra, which can be found on the ninth floor. Un...
Caylie Pacho ∙ February 2020
In the modern world, Music™ is a basic necessity. Life without Music is practically unimaginable. Bu...
Ivy, 1 more ∙ February 2020
Nothing here yet!